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Contract Programming service


We provide  Turn-Key Part Programming ( Click for more Detail ) on a contract basis for all Turn-Mill and Sliding machining centres, a perfect option for any company needing a package of work programmed and running in a short time when maybe they don't currently have the engineering capacity to do so but at the same time don't want to miss the opportunity of work.


Using SolidCam as our CAM system gives us the capability to create highly optimised programs using their market leading post processors that are customised to the clients needs 


The Following is provided as standard with all contracts 


  1. Program

  2. Full Machine Simulation

  3. Tool-sheets

  4. On-Site Prove Outs

  5. On-going Support and Advice


All CAM sessions are owned by the customer and will be sent with all programs so if a seat of SolidCam is already owned or subsequently purchased the session can be edited for any drawing changes etc that could happen in the future.

Any Machine | Any Control | Any Part

CNC Machining Consultant | CNC Turn-Key Programming | CNC Machine Purchase Consultant

Intuitive CNC Ltd 2025 VAT Reg No: 789474359

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